Uncanny Valley

September 28 and 29

LNDT 18:30; 17:30 and 20:00

Rimini Protokoll invites us to a one-actor play; the actor in it, however, is not a human being but a humanoid robot. It is not only constructed to resemble a playwright Thomas Melle, but also speaks in his voice, uses his gestures, and recounts his autobiographical story. This story is a fragile and sensitive journey into the world of a person suffering from bipolar disorder. Can robots, algorithms and technology help us when we are betrayed by our own bodies (due to physical or mental deficiencies)? Has our body not become so dependent on the technology around us that the moment we forget the phone at home, we feel something very similar to the pain of an amputated but still felt part of the body?

Kristina Savickienė