July 29, 20:00 | Vilnius University Grand Courtyard (12 Šv. Jono St, Vilnius)
The launch of their latest album
FUTURE CELLO (cello, electronica) and invited guests
A powerful fix of cello and electronica – these are the keywords for the launch of the latest album by Future Cello. In this concert you’ll be convinced that the cello’s strings can accommodate both classical music treasures, and the digital future.
While this combination could come across as questionable, once you know the stage name Future Cello actually belongs to Justas Kulikauskas, the cellist and producer, and one of the best effects pedal musicians in the world, capable of capturing every one of your senses, you’ll be sure to change your mind.
Justas has won over audiences with his original work and virtuosi musicianship. His talents as a producer and a performer are highly regarded by Asmik Grigorian, Justė Arlauskaitė (Jazzu), Jurga Šeduikytė, Petras Geniušas, Linas Adomaitis, the New Ideas Chamber Orchestra (artistic director Gediminas Gelgotas) and many others.
This performer loves everything that makes the heart beat that little bit faster. So naturally, his own appearances are also breathtaking. Get ready for an impressive synthesis of original pieces, popular music, cello sounds and electronica, unfettered by any genre or stylistic framework.
Program features works from the latest Future Cello album