Sacred Music Hours

Tuesday, September 11, 7 pm | St Casimir's Church (34 Didžioji St, Vilnius)

JUSTINA GRINGYTĖ (mezzo soprano)

At the closing concert of the Sacred Music Hours cycle we have in store the brilliance of bright personalities and some womanly charm: an opera star, a violin virtuoso, and an organ music enthusiast have combined their talents to give the public a concert of astounding beauty.

The silky, rich voice of Justina Gringytė, encircled by the dashing violin passages of Justina Auškelytė and the grandly resonant sounds of the organ played by Renata Marcinkutė Lesieur shall crown the extraordinarily colourful program of this year’s cycle.

We are sure that this unexpected trio will capture your attention until the very last beat, and remind us all of the enormous contribution of the Kazickas family to our country’s culture.

Program features J.S. Bach, A. Guilmant, G. Donizetti and others

Concert duration: 60 min.

Free admission